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Reduction of emissions
Δ 26-23
Specific CO2 emissions Scope 1 (gCO2/kWh)
Reduction of specific SO2 emissions (%) (vs base year 2017)
Reduction of specific NOx emissions (%) (vs base year 2017)
Reduction of specific dust emissions(%) (vs base year 2017)

(*) Enel Group goals published in 2023.

We are committed to increasing the value created per unit of GHG emissions produced and we expect to achieve a generation Scope 1 GHG emissions intensity of less than 105 gCO2eq/kWh.

Furthermore, in order to improve air quality in the areas where we operate, we pay special attention to the constant reduction of emissions of the main pollutants associated with thermal energy generation: sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides ( NOX) and particulate matter.

We have committed to moving our zero emissions ambition forward by 10 years, from 2050 to 2040.

On the way to this objective, by 2030 the Enel Group, of which Enel Chile is a part, has confirmed the objectives of reducing Scope 1 emissions from generation to less than 72 gCO2eq/kWh, in line with the 1.5°C scenario certified by the SBTi of the Enel Group, commitments to reduce emissions.


Particulate matter
(*) Enel Group goals published in 2023.
Efficient use of resources
Δ 30-23
Reduction of total specific water withdrawals (%) (vs. base year 2017)
-55 p.p.
Waste reduction (%) (vs. base year 2017)

(*) Enel Group goals published in 2023.

The Group is committed to gradually reducing the water requirement in all production processes as much as possible while promoting internal recirculation, with a particular focus on water-stressed areas.
Reduction of the specific water requirement compared to the base year 2017
(*) Enel Group goals published in 2023.
We will vigorously pursue the goal of reducing our specific water requirements and hope to contribute to the Enel Group's goal of 65% reduction by 2030 compared to 2017.
The Enel Group, of which we are a part, has set a goal for 2030 to improve circularity by 92% compared to 2015 in terms of fuel and material consumption for the complete life cycle of our generation plants.

The Company, aware of the need to increase efforts in response to the loss of biodiversity, sets the goal of achieving zero net loss for new infrastructure by 2030.

This is why Enel Chile considers the progressive work of nine indicators, in line with the principles of the Mitigation Hierarchy to avoid, minimize and recover impacts on natural habitats or on flora and fauna at risk, in order to count with performance measurement and management of biodiversity.

Generation Quality
Δ 26-23
Renewable energy generation (% of total)
8 p.p.
The decarbonization of power generation must be supported by the gradual replacement of thermal power plants with new renewable capacity. This is why we expect to reach around 79% renewable capacity by 2026.
Investment Quality
Old plan 2023-25
New plan 2024-26
Capex for the development of new renewable generation plants (millions of USD)

According to our investment plan, we will allocate $2.3 billion for the period 2024-2026. This investment will focus mainly on the generation business through renewable development, strengthening the profitability of its commercial strategy.

We will allocate more than 300 million dollars to continue improving our networks, quality of service and resilience, and our wide range of products and services, increasingly in line with the evolution of our customers' needs.

Our strategy aims to decarbonize and electrify the consumption of our customers by creating value for all stakeholders.