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In the long term, the integrated approach we have taken, together with our sustainability strategy, will allow us to mobilise investments to further strengthen renewable energy generation, energy efficiency and the grid, while creating value for society and the economy and making the system better suited to support solutions that are sustainable,  efficient, flexible and electrified.
To further strengthen our transparent relationship with tax administrations, we will remain committed to increasing our participation in cooperative compliance programs and expect nearly all eligible businesses to participate in such programs by 2030. We also expect to see a steady increase in input tax and total long-term tax contribution, in line with the value created by the Group.
Local and Global Communities
Δ 30-23
Number of beneficiaries from educational programs, access to energy and decent work and economic growth (in thousands)

(*) Cumulative goal to be achieved between 2024 and 2030.

The sustainability of our strategy is also confirmed by the progress made in the Group's contribution to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, in particular with regard to the following objectives:

  • ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education (SDG 4);
  • provide access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy (SDG 7);
  • promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth (SDG 8).
We estimate that our contribution to social development and economic growth in the communities in which we operate will provide inclusive and equitable quality education, access to energy, promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, reaching 938 thousand people.
Our strategy aims to decarbonize and electrify the consumption of our customers by creating value for all stakeholders.