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Our Group seeks to provide our customers with the best solutions that allow them to make the best and most sustainable decisions. That's why we invest heavily in electrification and digitalization.
Sales to Free Customers
Electrification rate in 2022


"We want to offer our customers more than just a commodity. We aim to provide an integrated offering of tailor-made solutions for a more conscious and efficient use of energy and for truly affordable sustainable development."


"Electrification and digitalization are the two strategic drivers that can accelerate the decarbonization process. Enel X Chile promotes energy transition to make cities, people and companies increasingly sustainable by promoting innovative, inclusive and circular products and services."

Fabrizio Barderi CEO
Our corporate governance structure is a fundamental tool to ensure control of all the activities we carry out, guaranteeing compliance with sustainability objectives and ensuring long-term value creation. Transparency and fairness are the pillars on which our Company is built.