Our contracting processes are executed in accordance with applicable local legislation and are based on criteria that promote sustainable development and the principles of free competition, equal treatment and non-discrimination, and transparency. The above, through clear references to codes of conduct, including the Group's Human Rights Policy, the Code of Ethics, the Zero Tolerance Plan for Corruption and Global Compliance Programs.
The Company's acquisition procedures are designed to ensure quality of service with full respect for the principles of economy, effectiveness, timeliness, equity and transparency, being reviewed continually to ensure alignment with Company policies.
Together with our suppliers, we work to define new metrics and promote co-innovation towards decarbonization and the circular economy, which has a positive impact on both production processes and purchasing techniques. For the most strategically important goods categories, we require global product environmental declarations to objectively quantify, certify and report the impact of the entire acquisition life cycle (i.e. water consumption, CO2 emissions, impact on the ground, etc.).
ISO 14001 certification or equivalent is always required for product groups that are considered high environmental risk, and on-site audits of our contractors are also carried out.