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Significant successes so far have been made possible by our Creating Shared Value (CSV) strategy and model, which integrate social and environmental factors into business processes along the value chain, with a particular emphasis on business development, engineering and construction, procurement, and asset management and maintenance.

Access, quality and equity of the electricity supply are fundamental dimensions on which we have constantly worked to contribute to the reduction of energy poverty. In this way, Enel Chile contributes to an energy transition that leaves no one behind and promotes local development.

In 2023, suburban electrification projects have reached 4,912 people. We continue to advance in the installation of temporary electrical connections for families in camps, promoting affordable, safe and resilient access to electricity, while ensuring the continuity of regulated neighbors in the Metropolitan Region.

We are committed to guaranteeing quality education to improve the lives of individuals, communities and society as a whole.
Enel Chile is convinced that education is the fundamental engine for sustainable development at the individual and collective level, which is why it makes financing, tools and content available to the communities that allow the youth of the country to advance in the fulfillment of their Life projects.

Through various initiatives, we promote environmental awareness and provide tools for technical training, especially aimed at youth. Our dissemination of STEM content and knowledge about climate change seeks to inspire new generations to seek sustainable solutions, thus contributing to training future leaders and innovators in the fight against climate change.

During 2023, the "Let's add energy for climate action" project focused on educating and raising awareness among communities about the effects of climate change and daily actions to increase the recovery of household waste, reaching 639 people in 18 organizations in 14 communes. .

Through the short film "Ciclos Vitales" and other projects such as the "Electrical Safety School for Institutions", we have reached more than 80,000 students and trained 147 people from 26 institutions on electrical safety issues.

Along the same lines, we have implemented educational programs to promote STEM education in schools such as Don Orione de Quintero, benefiting more than 400 students from 7th grade to 2nd grade. This, in collaboration with Lab4U, seeks to increase female representation in the energy industry and promote equity.

Our educational initiatives also include scholarship programs for communities of indigenous peoples in Alto Biobío, Pullinque and Pilmaiquén, where 895 young people participated, and improvement of educational units for more than 400 students in Alto Biobío.

In addition, the "Journey to Renewable Energy" program offers a comprehensive experience with visits to renewable energy generation plants in northern Chile, complemented by a mobile application that enriches the learning experience.


We make a concrete contribution to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate through initiatives of various kinds, such as the expansion of infrastructure, education and training programs, social inclusion projects and support for local cultural activities.
Promotion of entrepreneurship

At Enel Chile we seek to create new business opportunities that allow local communities to actively join the value chain. Our vision is to promote an entrepreneurial ecosystem that not only generates employment, but also contributes significantly to the construction of a more sustainable and equitable economy, such as, for example: 

  • Women's Circular Entrepreneurship Program

It corresponds to an initiative designed to train women in the town of Baquedano, providing them with key skills to develop sustainable ventures. The program seeks to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation through a training plan that combines both theory and practice. The main objective is to generate a direct and positive impact on the entire community, strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of local women and promoting the adoption of sustainable practices.

  • Bocamina Closure Plan 

In the southern part of the country and specifically in the city of Coronel, framed in the Closure Plan of the Bocamina Thermal Power Plant, the latest version of the Coronel Emprende Fund was carried out, which was aimed at promoting local entrepreneurial projects. and benefited 1,364 people during 2023.

  • Competitive Funds Ralco Hydroelectric Plant

The first version of the Alto Biobío Competitive Funds was developed, with 31 entrepreneurs who accessed co-financing for the acquisition of equipment for their businesses, thus promoting family economic autonomy and the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the territory.